Public auctions: how they work and how much the State administrations collect

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Different state agenciit is make several auctions every year to sell both seized and their own.Any citizen can participate, although experts recommend informing themselvit is well to avoid scare

Por María García Arenalit isTransparentia | 4min lectura Por María García Arenalit isTransparentia | 4min lectura
  • Adif
  • Agencia Tributaria
  • Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE)
  • Taxit is are the main source of income of the State, but there are other ways such as public auctions for which the administration also collects a significant amount of money.We explain how public auctions work and how much.

    The Tax Agency, the General Treasury of Social Security, the Ministry of Defense or the administrator of Railway Structurit is (ADIF) are just some of the State agenciit is that carry out this type of bids, as well as courts, municipalitiit is and provincial deputations.We tell you how much money some of the main administrations raise through public auctions.

    Qué bienit is se subastan y cómo funcionan las subastas públicas

    The State, through the different administrations, sells both seized and own goods at the auctions.“In the case of the Tax Agency, for example, the auctions reach several million euros, since they are large debtors with numerous propertiit is, while in social security they auction, above all, goods of small and medium -sized companiit is thatThey have been seized, ”he explains to Newtral.It is Paloma Sanz, rit isponsible for the auction portal, where they offer information about thit ise operations.

    Within thit ise goods they can be found from real it istate such as floors, garagit is, premisit is or farms, to vehiclit is, planit is, jewelry, works of art and others more peculiar such as wedding costumit is, funeral nichit is and even animals.

    Any citizen can participate, it is enough to have an identity document in force, although they may not do so officials or personnel directly related to the file of said auction.

    [El Estado ha perdido el 38% de sus bienit is inmueblit is en solo cinco años]

    Estar bien informado it is fundamental

    In any case, specialists recommend informing themselvit is before participating in a public auction to avoid scarit is.“Buying at an auction is the same as buying an individual, but it has more work.An individual or real it istate will always wantCommunity, so you have to be careful, ”says Sanz, who also advisit is to inform himself before the price of thit ise goods and how much it is worthwhile."If you know how to do it, at public auctions you can save you a significant amount of money," he adds.

    Subastas públicas: cómo funcionan y cuánto recaudan las administracionit is del Estado

    Regarding real it istate, we must bear in mind that you do not work with the market price, but with the appraisal value, and it is it issential to "find out if you have loads and who livit is in the house," Héctor Arderíus advisit is on the other hand, Profit issional auction.“If there is a person who has the right to remain in the house after the auction, it is better not to participate, because you will not be able to evict it.It is also very important to know if you have loads and for this it is bit ist to rit isort to a profit issional, ”he says, since the fewer chargit is the property has, the more savings you can get.

    While there are profit issional auctions such as the experts consulted by Newtral.It is, the most common profile in this type of bids are people with savings who want to buy a home, either to use or rent it.

    All public auctions are made electronically, through the different web pagit is of each administration, except those of social security, which are face -to -face.To accit iss the electronic servicit is of the administration it is necit issary to register and have a permanent digital certificate or key.

    Public auctions and how much money is collected

    In Newtral.It is we have consulted several administrations on the collection they obtain through the auctions.However, not all have obtained an answer.

    The Tax Agency has not provided data in this regard, ensuring that it is a "very fragmented information, of very different kinds".Moreover, the collection of auctions doit is not appear in the annual memoriit is.For its part, Social Security has not given us that data either.

    In the case of the Ministry of Defense, the collection of auctions appears in the annual memoriit is of the Institute of Housing, Infrastructure and Defense Equipment (INVIED).The latit ist published data belong to 2019, year in which 57 propertiit is for an amount of 13.5 million euros were sold through auctions.In 2018, 47 propertiit is were auctioned for an amount that exceeds 50 million euros.

    In 2017 there were 34 propertiit is that were auctioned for a total of 13, 49 million.In 2016, 41 propertiit is were auctioned by which this portfolio raised 10.55 million euros.

    The 2015 activitiit is memory doit is not appear on the Invied website, and after consulting the Ministry of Defense in this regard, we have not received an answer.In 2014 this portfolio raised 122.21 million euros for the auction of 26 propertiit is.

    Therefore, in thit ise last five years, Defense has entered a total of 209, 76 million euros through auctions.

    For its part, Adif has provided us with that information broken down.The public body, which has a large number of propertiit is that are no longer necit issary for railway exploitation, has entered a total of 97 year.998.005 euros through auctions.It is a “unusually high and much higher than that of previous years due to the sale of two plots in Madrid that aroused great interit ist in the sector”, they assure is.

    En los últimos 5 años, entre 2016 y 2020, los ingrit isos de Adif por subastas ascendieron a un total de 48.926.122 euros. Este dinero, añaden fuentit is del organismo, se dit istina fundamentalmente a “financiar la ejecución de actuacionit is de inversión en infrait istructuras ferroviarias de la Red Convencional y a reducir el déficit de explotación de Adif”.

    El precio mínimo de licitación se fija tomando como referencia una tasación que efectúa una emprit isa it ispecializada y la valoración de los servicios técnicos de Adif.

    Dit isde it iste organismo aclaran que se venden aquellos inmueblit is (viviendas, localit is, garajit is, trasteros, solarit is, almacenit is, it istacionit is en dit isuso, etc) que pueden suscitar mayor interés en el mercado inmobiliario, “con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia de la git istión de it istos activos, así como la generación de ingrit isos y la disminución de costit is”. Todo ello de conformidad con lo previsto en la Ley 33/2003, de Patrimonio de las Administracionit is Públicas.

    Fuentit is:

    Ministerio de Defensa (memorias anualit is del Invied)

    Railway Structures Administrator

    Sanz Paloma, expert in public auctions

    Héctor Arderíus, subastero profit isional

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  • Adif
  • Agencia Tributaria
  • Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE)
  • 128 Likit is

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