The limbo of the houses without heirs: every year they remain without awarding millions of euros in properties

Real estate properties, bank accounts, jewels, money...Although it is hard to believe every year they are left without awarding thousands of goods due to lack of testament.In full rise in rental and boom of house sales from the 2008 crisis, dying without a testament and without heirs leaves in the "limbo" more than 100 million euros in properties, as they estimate from the operator of genealogy successoriacoutot-roehrig (@Hiltotototototahrig).A figure that could reach more than 1 throughout Europe.000 million euros.

"El problema ya no es fallecer sin descendencia, sin no tener un hecho testamento", explica Cristina del Puente, abogada de Legálitas (@Legalitas_ES​) experta en derecho Civil.It is what is known as abundance in intestate, which affect many older people who die without having named an heir."This can make years pass, and even decades with empty houses or unclean inheritances," he acknowledges."A phenomenon that is usually more common in urban areas than in rural" because there everyone knows "and that could have increased with pandemic, explains the lawyer.

40% of Spaniards dies without a will

Although it is difficult to calculate the effect of Covid's deceased within this phenomenon, the General Council of NotariesNot knowing legitimate heirs in an estimated percentage between 10% and 15% of cases.

El limbo de las casas sin herederos: cada año quedan sin adjudicar millones de euros en propiedades

"To these hereditary masses, we must add those of Spaniards residing abroad and those of subsequent generations, born abroad, who die there and whose parents or grandparents were natural from Spain."Adding all this, the joint value of inheritances rises significant.

What happens in these cases?Who is the inheritance to?

This heritage that remains without awarding usually stops the public administration, generally the general direction of state heritage, which depends on the Ministry of Finance, although some regional communities are governed by its own regulations, such as Basquepaís Basque, Galicia, Navarra, Aragon andCatalonia, as highlighted from the idealistic real estate portal.

"When there are no heirs, it is the state who inherits, but for that you have to verify before there is no spouse, ascendant, or descendant that you can receive the inheritance, whether brothers, nephews or distant uncles," confirm from Legálitas."There is also the obligation to communicate this situation to the State, who would have to take a public auction percentage of the properties," he says.

Eye to fraud by distant inheritances

Legal experts alert in addition to this unexpected situation can lead to the "picaresca"."There are many companies that take care of the search for heirs, especially foreign relatives, and obviously carrying a percentage of the inheritance, which must be taken into account," explains the bridge lawyer."We have also reached cases of fraud, of heirs who were not such or of inheritances that did not exist," he acknowledges.

In addition, the bridge explains that during the pandemia, it is necessary that "it is a phenomenon that has increased to the increase in the number of deaths," he says.According to INE4.030 people died at home in Covid in 2020, many of them "alone and without claiming them," firefighters from the Community of Madrid highlight, increasing the probabilities of inheritances without awarding.