Jorge Ramos, after overcoming health problem: ‘I am on the list of the people who have recovered’

By Monica Tirado -Miami

Luego de superar el coronavirus, Jorge Ramos regresó a sus actividades profesionales, como la emisión de Al Punto (Univision). El periodista de origen mexicano se reencontró con su colega, María Antonieta Collins, a quien le relató cómo pasó de vivir las vacaciones de su vida a la pesadilla de dar positivo. “Fue horrible, toda la vida había querido ir a esas islas, al tercer día positivo de COVID, se regresa toda la familia, me tengo que quedar 10 días encerrado”, compartió el comunicador a su compañera. Ramos dio positivo al virus del SARS-CoV-2 que ocasiona el COVID-19 en medio de sus vacaciones en Seychelles, un paradisíaco destino en África.


‘Chiqui’ Delgado gives details about the health status of Jorge Ramos

Ni su pareja, Chiquinquirá Delgado, ni los hijos de ambos dieron positivo al virus y esa misma noche, consiguieron vuelos y regresaron a Miami…todos excepto Jorge, quien tuvo que quedarse aislado en el cuarto de su hotel. Como el mismo lo describe en su columna de opinión, quedó ‘atrapado en el paraíso’. Pese a todos los cuidados durante el viaje de Miami a Seychelles, Ramos dijo a Collins que bajó la guardia y fue ahí que se dio el contagio. “Seguramente me descuidé en algún momento”.


She is Paola, Jorge Ramos' daughter who follows her steps in journalism

He thought the worst

Jorge Ramos, tras superar problema de salud: ‘Estoy en la lista de las personas que se han recuperado’

In his most recent column, departure from Paradise, the journalist and author of Best Sellers explained in detail how his isolation of 10 days was on the island of Mahe, in Seychelles.Although he did not suffer from serious symptoms, he assured that the strongest of the whole process was the fact of facing his own fears and thoughts.

“Despite not having serious symptoms, the mental film always advanced.What if it gives me pneumonia and I have to go to the hospital?What if they close the airport or cancel your flights the airline?And if this African archipelago runs out of evidence, just like other countries in the world, how do I return to the United States?

In order not to continue filling his head of ideas, Ramos explained that he made a schedule to stay busy and not think about negative things or live in uncertainty: “I made an exercise routine, meals, writing, reading, videos and contacts forDo not lose internal balance.I took the temperature and oxygen levels several times a day (it was well prepared). ”

Fortunately, none of the terrible scenarios that Jorge created in his mind came true.“After fulfilling the governmental insulation orders, and armed with two negative tests for two days in a row, I climbed to the first plane.More than 24 hours later I arrived at my house in Miami.Another PCR confirmed that it was still negative. ”