"I billed Tonka some silver coins... I went to get the checks at his house," declares the "king of gold" convicted of smuggling and money laundering Best and Worst Dressed THE MOST VIEWED

Author: C.F.R. / January 4, 2022

Harold Vilches, called "the king of gold": "I billed some silver coins to Tonka"

Journalist Marta Escalona: "So do you get along with her for the sale of coins?"

Vilches: "Exactly"

This dialogue was part of a report issued by Chilevisión Noticias about the type of relationship between the antiquarian and spiritual guide Marco Antonio López "Parived" and his wife Tonka Tomicic and Harold Vilches.

Vilches Pizarro, "the king of gold", was sentenced in 2018 to pay fourteen billion pesos for illicit association, smuggling, money laundering, violation of the tax law and filing a maliciously false statement.

The link between Vilches and the López-Tomicic arose in the midst of the leaks that have been made about a confidential investigation carried out by the Public Ministry into a network dedicated to the theft of luxury watches and jewelry abroad -items that are later interned in the country and marketed-. In this investigation it appears mentioned Parived with checks from his wife.

It was leaked that, in February 2020, López and Vilches met at the Sheraton Hotel.

In this context, Chilevisión Noticias spoke with the "king of gold", who declared the following:

“There is an investigation, but of which I am not accused, I am not formalized. I'm named, mentioned for hanging out with Parived, but I'm not linked to any jewelry, watches, or stolen items.

«What comes out is a meeting with Parived, in which they were investigating Parived, and I, for meeting with Parived at the Sheraton Hotel, took a photo of me.

«Facturé unas monedas de plata a Tonka… Pasé a buscar los cheques a su casa», declara el «rey del oro» condenado por contrabando y lavado de activos Mejor y Peor Vestidos LOS MAS VISTOS

"They show me that I hang out with Parived like I'm a dealer in stolen jewels... I don't even do that."

Chilevisión journalist Marta Escalona mentions: "Vilches met with Parived, he says, because he offered him some land."

Hariold Vilches recounts: «I even ordered an appraisal of the land. I had the buyer of the land. My idea was to commission a part, but the business never materialized. Finally, the land did not have the value and the buyer did not agree to buy it either, and the business was not carried out there.

"He (Parived) asked me what products I could offer him, that Tonka wanted to invest silver coins, and there I offered him silver coins... I invoiced Tonka some silver coins"

Marta Escalona: "So do you get along with her for the sale of coins?"

Harold Vilches: "Exactly"

Escalona: "And did you go to leave them?"

Vilches: "No. Dispatches are made by means of transportation. He gave me some checks for payment, I think about a year ago. Pick up the checks at your house. Ultimately she didn't cover the checks and I took responsibility for the payment. There is a check protested by form and another by substance.

Escalona: "And has she given you any explanation for why she didn't cover these checks she wrote to you?"

Vilches: "No. no explanation"

Escalona: "And have you asked him for explanations?"

Vilches: «It is that today he is in a super complicated situation in the media and I do not think he is pending to pay me. Before this I asked Parived for explanations and they have not taken charge of the payments.

Given this information, Mario Vargas, lawyer for the López-Tomicic in the case, first responded in Chilevisión Noticias:

«This young man, Vilches if I'm not mistaken is called, asked Marco Antonio for advice on the activities that Marco Antonio carries out. Advice, spiritual help, etc. And that's the relationship they have.

«It is trying to question the legal commercial activities of my client. That intention has caused tremendous damage to his image and his family.

“We believe that behind this there is an intention to cause harm. We are going to look for those responsible, we are going to investigate who is behind this construction to damage the image of a person who has past irreproachable conduct to damage the image of her family ».

Later, the journalist mentioned in the report: "In the last few hours, the lawyer Mario Vargas affirmed that there is a business relationship."

Then Vargas states on screen:

«Mrs. Tonka has never had a business relationship with the lawyer Vilches. They were businesses that Don Marco Antonio carried out»

"What business did he have? Or do you still have? What bond do they have today?

“The business was that, at some point, they went to a factoring company in the eastern sector of the capital and requested that a sum of money be delivered to them. But that sum of money delivered by a factoring is guaranteed with a commercial instrument. In this case they were checks from the wife of my client »

"But today those checks are in the possession of Harold Vilches"

"Because my client paid 100% of the debt and those checks were returned, and to whom did they return them at the right time? He went to Harold.

“Harold had pointed out to us that those checks, as they had been paid, had been destroyed.

«But two years later, when these checks have no commercial value, they do not generate any obligation, when we were never summoned or required to pay, nor sued, because there is no debt, these checks appear. I imagine, in order to harm the honor or image of a third party who has nothing to do with this criminal investigation, which is Mrs. Tomicic.

"Unfortunately Mr. Harold did not return the checks to my client."