Who has a classic car has a treasure: how to take care and update your automotive jewels

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In Espacio Toyota we have already spoken on previous occasions of what the classic car is as economic and cultural richness.On the one hand, because hundreds of events dedicated to Pedigrí cars (in our country, perhaps the most notorious is Classic Madrid) are held every year every year).This type of meetings not only brings together fans eager to show their jewels, but also to companies, professionals and collectives of the automotive world.

Ofrecido por Toyota
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On the other hand, these events also serve as a meeting point for classic cars lovers.This hobby (together with automobily, or merchandising collecting) constitutes a market that moves millions of euros every year in the sale of vehicles and in acquisition and exchange of professional pieces or services.

Precisely one of the most important challenges posed by a classic car is its restoration and rehabilitation, for which there is a good number of specialized workshops that can give us a hand.But, if we already have it in good condition, we must only consider some premises to take care of it and seek the best possible materials to have it updated.

Tips for taking care of our classic car

The sale of second -hand pieces moves millions of euros every year

Quien tiene un coche clásico tiene un tesoro: cómo cuidar y actualizar tus joyas de la automoción

Antes de nada, te recomendamos encarecidamente que revises nuestro artículo sobre detailing, o cosmética del coche.It is not about tuning our vehicle with additions and modifications, but about highlighting and rejuvenating the beauty that the vehicle already had just out of the factory.

And once we have our classic car in perfect state of magazine, what we cannot do is fall asleep in the laurels.Of course, maintenance will be much less expensive if we contribute some periodic dedication and attention on our part.Let's look at some general tips that yes or yes we must follow:

GR Heritage Parts: The importance of having original and official pieces

Be it restoration, conservation or maintenance of our classic vehicle, the main objective is to keep it as close as possible to the original possible.And for this it is essential, if not essential, to have official and original parts and spare parts of the vehicle itself. Si estamos hablando de un clásico, es más que probable que estos artículos estén descatalogados y fuera de stock, por lo que nos veremos obligados a acudir al mercado de segunda mano.Today, thanks to the Internet and the new forms of payment, we have access to virtually any provider of the globe;Even so, it is very possible that certain spare parts are practically missing.

For a classic car it is essential to have original spare parts

A este respecto, ya hemos mencionado en otros artículos que Toyota es un fabricante que siempre ha gustado de facilitar el espíritu DIY de sus seguidores.Not only are official customization packs to tune our car, but now it has also decided to spid off some especially demanded spare parts for some of their classics. El servicio se llama GR Heritage Parts y, gracias a él, podemos solicitar estos recambios descatalogados y recibirlos en nuestro concesionario como si estuvieran recién salido al mercado.

The person responsible for this service is none other than Toyota Gazoo Racing, Toyota's sports division in different motor competitions. Y es que no debemos olvidar que GR tiene sus orígenes en la web de coches de segunda mano gazoo.com and in the autonomous workshops of the Japanese manufacturer.In this new project, those responsible for the Division have thanked the suppliers and replacement manufacturers for their collaboration in the reproduction and remanufacturing of the requested articles.Precisely because of the technical and economic effort of reissueing pieces with decades of age, the spare parts will be available on demand and only for a limited time.

How the GR Heritage Parts de Toyota service works

Si navegamos por la página de GR Heritage Parts, lo primero que encontramos es precisamente un log de actualizaciones sobre los distintos procesos de fabricación y pedido abiertos.Currently, there are open processes for models such as the Toyota 2000gt, the supra A70 and A80 or the Land Cruiser 40 of 1960. El último en sumarse a la lista ha sido el muy querido AE86 Hachi-Roku, que ya repasamos en este artículo y que llegó a occidente como quinta generación del Toyota Corolla.

On the web we can also see a request form, in which to request the specific pieces we need for our classic.If there are enough requests of these spare parts, Toyota Gazoo Racing will study the viability of starting the production of the original article (Revival Parts) or one that replaces it (Substitute Parts) with all the guarantees of operation.And, if green light is given to the manufacturing process, we will be notified so that we can commission it to the official distributor of our area and finally receive it in our dealership.

As we see, the GREITAGE PARTS SERVICE is a new opportunity if we have a Toyota classic.And if our jewel is from another brand, at least it serves as a reference for other manufacturers to take the same example.

Imágenes | Toyota Newsroom/Toyota Newsroom/Toyota Automobile Museum/GR Heritage Parts

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