Public horny with the videos of the PP of Valladolid: "wonderful monument to the shame of others"


Castilla y León is in full preparation for the regional elections and the Valladolid PP believed to have a great idea to present its list.He believed it.Cachondeo on Twitter did not wait and it is not for less.

The popular launched a thread with videos to the first dates presenting the members of their list.Each of them appears approaching the camera while a short text describes them, with their profession and something they like.The motto "more close" takes him to Rajatabla, literally appear in the distance and approach.Sesame neighborhood for beginners dominated.

Although the best part occurs at the end.Once politicians are in front of the camera they are frozen so that the description can be read.The funny thing is that it is not an editing effect, the statue stays while the background stage continues to move.

Público Cachondeo con los vídeos del PP de Valladolid:

The thread is a parade of politicians playing English hiding with intensity while trying to keep the position without moving a hair.So much tension had been seen since Ayuso and Casado agreed in the same room.

The thread is a gift for some tweeters, who have picked up the glove with pleasure and let the comedy flow.

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