Death made diamond months without interest

We are ... and diamonds will be...It could be a maximum of companies or corporations that within six months are responsible for converting the remains of a loved one into precious stones and it is best that it can be monthsless months.

It does not matter that this service is cited in dollars, that the most economical diamond costs about 200 thousand pesos, or that the Vatican has banned that the ashes of a human being serve as a basis for creating jewels, the interest of Mexicans inThat procedure, says Manuel Ramírez Díaz, director of the funeral sector J.García López in an interview with El Universal.

In addition to being imposed as fashion, "it is a very special way to immortalize a loved one," he says.

In contrast, tanatology specialists say that this process is not healthy.First, because cycles are not closed, which prevents the loss of loved being overcome;second, because the remains are commercialized and the value of an object is given, and third, because they consider it a disrespect when it is the remains of a body that does not belong to them.

13 years ago, the Spanish brand Algordanza arrived in Mexico with the promise of conserving the essence of some loved person in the "most beautiful" way, thus, not only the remains were kept close, but could be shown to others inDije or ring shape.

Arturo Lozano, CEO of that company, said in an interview that this corporate has a presence in 33 nations and is awarded the merit of being the only worldwide consortium that allows this process to be carried out in the purest way, using only the ashes of beings humans.

It is 100% authentic and natural, carbon or color is not added, and explained that it can even be achieved with the ashes that have up to 40 years of having buried or cremated.

A constant challenge that these companies face is the cost of diamontization, since the most economical conversion for which a Carat diamond (200 milligrams) is delivered, is 180 thousand pesos.

Muerte hecha diamante a meses sin intereses

The cheapest service costs 180 thousand pesos

“Unfortunately it is quoted in dollars and with the exchange rate, the cheapest begins in the 180 thousand.These prices include the cultivation of the diamond, the shipping and return service, the gemological certification, depending on the diamond that is desired.The smallest is from a Carat and is the one that is usually requested.From 180 thousand you can have yours, ”explained Manuel Ramírez.

He pointed out that despite prices and that the market is not so wide, during the past year 16 Mexican families opted for this option, "it was more than a monthly diamond, those are good figures".

Concerned about making this service more accessible, funeral home.García López has implemented acquisition systems for “months without interest”, which will be defined whether the person who will become a diamond died or is only a future planning.

“A scheme of fixed payments with the client is agreed, first you have to know if who will become precious stone died, or it is a person who wants to immortalize in the future.Based on this, payments are designed in monthly payments, they can be up to 30, whether they are domiciled to a bank card or the people deposit in an account, ”J.García López.

According to the company, women are the ones who ask for this process most, and demand is concentrated in Mexico City.

Manuel Ramírez said that anyone who is able to solve the cost of diamontization can request the service: "We do not do any type of research, we are all customers, we do not have a restriction about it".

On the prohibition launched by the Vatican of spreading ashes, dividing them, having them at home or turning them into commemorative memories such as jewelry pieces ”, the director of the funeral sector of J.García López indicó que esto no ha afectado los intereses de la corporación.

"We do not care, we do not take any position or for the Church, we governed ours.

In the case of the controversy generated by the conversion into diamond of the remains of the Mexican architect, Luis Barragán, believes that it is a point in favor, because following this event people have felt more curiosity for their services.

"It is being imposed as fashion, people ask and are interested in what we do," said Manuel Ramírez.

Love turned into merchandise

In contrast, Rosa Elena Domínguez del Olmo, Tanatologist specialized in accompanying patients in the terminal stage, said that converting ashes into a diamond is not healthy, because when a loved one dies, cycles must be closed and this action prevents it.

“If you have your dad, mom, grandfather, boyfriend, wife, whatever, in a ring, in a dije or earrings, it is unlikely that you can continue with your life, because the stage of grief was not overcome.For funeral home it is easy to say that it is a way to immortalize these people, but they do not think about the processes that every human being must follow, ”said Dominguez del Olmo.

Guadalupe Camargo considered that this type of treatment is a lack of respect for deceased people: “As much as it has been a super loveor remains ".

Both interviewees agreed that diamontization turns love made loved ones into merchandise: "You no longer see it as a person, but as a precious stone, which in the end is an object".

The process does not require health regulation

Cultivating a diamond from the ashes is possible because they have the necessary mineral elements, such as carbon, phosphorus and boron.

600 grams are required to carry out the process.A kilo and a half of ashes is obtained from a cremation.

These human remains are sent to laboratories located in Switzerland, where minerals are extracted and then synthetic diamond.

To send the ashes to Switzerland, a sanitary permit or regulation is not needed, since Mexico is part of an International Treaty for Free Transit of Ashes, in which European nations also participate.

However, the remains must travel with the cremation permission granted by the Civil Registry, and the death certificate of the person who will return in the form of a jewel.

During the transformation procedure, the hired company sends graphic material to its customers, "so that they know that the remains of their relatives are in good hands and do not lose detail of the conversion".

Diamonds have a blue hue that is determined by the amount of boron in the ashes, which means that these gems are unique.

After 24 weeks of waiting, the client receives a diamond that includes a certification from the Swiss Gemological Institute, and if he requested it (with an extra charge) he can visualize a small laser recorded legend.