Alba Calderón, Deusto's student who combines psychology with her own jewelry firm


Alba Calderón estudia Psicología y PEPO (Psicología de Especialización de las Organizaciones) en la Universidad de Deusto, aunque sus primeros pasos en su camino hacia el emprendimiento han surgido en un ámbito completamente opuesto al de esta disciplina académica. Compagina sus estudios sobre la psique humana con la creatividad, que desarrolla dentro de su firma Lulina´s, una nueva apuesta dentro del panorama de la moda actual. Su competencia es la bisutería, elaborada en plata de ley 925 y en plata bañada en oro, y centrada en un estilo moderno y sofisticado para llevar tanto a diario como en ocasiones más especiales.Alba Calderón, la estudiante de Deusto que compagina la Psicología con su propia firma de joyas Alba Calderón, la estudiante de Deusto que compagina la Psicología con su propia firma de joyas

It was at the end of 2019 when this Santander resident in Bilbao was raised for the first time to create a small business.Like many other young people with ease of entrepreneurship, the confinement granted Alb.With only 20 years he threw himself into the business adventure, admitting that at first he invaded the doubts and insecurities of those who break through a new path, accentuated by a time of pandemic curd of uncertainty worldwide."I have never received any education, or any support that will guide me or ensure some kind of success," he says.But that never stopped her and can now boast of getting forward with effort and dedication a small dream that becomes great by little.

He began to inform himself in specialized places, to look for suppliers and, thanks to the unconditional support of his parents, he managed to start selling his accessories.At first, his first customers were family, friends and relatives, until he launched their own expansion plan through social networks and sales shot.«I got in touch with public characters who had a considerable number of followers so that my jewels could look.Many were reluctant, but others put their grain of sand and shared Lulina's accessories in their respective profiles, ”says Alba proud.Currently, Instagram is the main source of its sales, where we can see 'feed' care according to the brand's philosophy.In addition, you can also access its novelties and online purchase through the website that Alba has also created self -taught.

Alba Calderón, la estudiante de Deusto que compagina la Psicología con su propia firma de joyas

Currently, there are 36 available models, among bracelets, necklaces, rings and earrings, whose prices range between the 8.50 euros that costs, for example, an original 'Earcuff' in the form of a snake, up to 36 euros that are worth elegant pending pendingsilver bathed in gold topped by a violet quartz.Its proposals are current, discreet and easy to carry, mostly golden, in which bright and color brushstrokes are added.

Lulina's has a strong family roots, not only for the support they gave to this young businesswoman their parents until the project was promoted, but for the essence of the project itself.The firm's own name hides behind an emotional meaning for this future psychologist and young businesswoman.'Lulina' was the affectionate appellative with which Alba's grandfather called his grandmother, a matria and strong woman who became one of the great pillars of her life.A person who always saw Alba as a girl full of abilities and with great potential to get everything that was proposed in life.'Lulina' was the first to find out about his achievements and never hesitated that he would go far.Therefore, in his first steps towards success, Alba wanted to honor him in such a special way, putting his name to his first vital project and carrying the motto the motto «Celebrate your own victories, because nobody else understands how much it cost you to reach them», Which reminds her so much.Wherever he is, surely he continues to celebrate his triumphs.

